Vous trouverez ici-bas tous les films faisant partie de la célèbre Collection Criterion, qui s’affaire à préserver et restaurer les films importants de l’Humanité, que ce soit pour leur valeur esthétique, culturelle ou historique. Consultez la liste officielle ici.
# | Titre original | Année | Pays | Réalisateur |
1 | La Grande Illusion (Grand Illusion) | 1937 | France | Jean Renoir |
2 | Shichinin no Samurai (Seven Samurai) | 1954 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
3 | The Lady Vanishes | 1938 | Royaume-Uni | Alfred Hitchcock |
4 | Amarcord | 1973 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
5 | Les 400 coups (The 400 Blows) | 1959 | France | François Truffaut |
6 | La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast) | 1946 | France | Jean Cocteau |
7 | A Night to Remember | 1958 | Royaume-Uni | Roy Ward Baker |
8 | Dip huet seung hung (The Killer) | 1989 | Hong Kong | John Woo |
9 | Lat sau san taam (Hard Boilded) | 1992 | Hong Kong | John Woo |
10 | Walkabout | 1971 | Royaume-Uni | Nicolas Roeg |
11 | Det sjunde inseglet (The Seventh Seal) | 1957 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
12 | This Is Spinal Tap | 1984 | États-Unis | Rob Reiner |
13 | The Silence of the Lambs | 1991 | États-Unis | Jonathan Demme |
14 | Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto | 1954 | Japon | Hiroshi Inagaki |
15 | Samurai II: Ichijôji no kettô (Duel at Ichijoji Temple) | 1955 | Japon | Hiroshi Inagaki |
16 | Samurai III: kettô Ganryûjima (Duel at Ganryu Island) | 1956 | Japon | Hiroshi Inagaki |
17 | Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom | 1976 | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini |
18 | The Naked Kiss | 1964 | États-Unis | Samuel Fuller |
19 | Shock Corridor | 1963 | États-Unis | Samuel Fuller |
20 | Sid & Nancy | 1986 | Royaume-Uni | Alex Cox |
21 | Dead Ringers | 1988 | États-Unis | David Cronenberg |
22 | Summertime | 1955 | États-Unis | David Lean |
23 | RoboCop | 1987 | États-Unis | Paul Verhoeven |
24 | Tengoku to jigoku (High and Low) | 1963 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
25 | Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville) | 1965 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
26 | The Long Good Friday | 1979 | Royaume-Uni | John Mackenzie |
27 | Flesh for Frankenstein | 1973 | États-Unis | Paul Morrissey |
28 | Blood for Dracula | 1974 | États-Unis | Paul Morrissey |
29 | Picnic at Hanging Rock | 1975 | États-Unis | Peter Weir |
30 | M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (M) | 1931 | Allemagne | Fritz Lang |
31 | Great Expectations | 1946 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean |
32 | Oliver Twist | 1948 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean |
33 | Nanook of the North | 1922 | États-Unis | Robert Flaherty |
34 | Andrei Rublev (Андрей Рублев) | 1966 | Russie | Andrei Tarkovsky |
35 | Les diaboliques | 1955 | France | Henri-Georges Clouzot |
36 | The Wages of Fear (Le salaire de la peur) | 1953 | France | Henri-Georges Clouzot |
37 | Time Bandits | 1981 | États-Unis | Terry Gilliam |
38 | Branded to Kill (Koroshi no rakuin) | 1967 | Japon | Seijun Suzuki |
39 | Tokyo Drifter (Tôkyô nagaremono) | 1966 | Japon | Seijun Suzuki |
40 | Armageddon | 1998 | États-Unis | Michael Bay |
41 | Henry V | 1944 | Royaume-Uni | Laurence Olivier |
42 | Fishing with John | 1992 | États-Unis | John Lurie |
43 | Lord of the Flies | 1963 | Royaume-Uni | Peter Brook |
44 | The Red Shoes | 1948 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
45 | Taste of Cherry (Ta’m e guilass) | 1997 | Iran | Abbas Kiarostami |
46 | The Most Dangerous Game | 1932 | États-Unis | Ernest B. Shoedsack et Irving Pichel |
47 | Insomnia | 1997 | Norvège | Erik Skjoldbjaerg |
48 | Black Orpheus (Orfeu Negro) | 1959 | France | Marcel Camus |
49 | Nights of Cabiria (Le notti di Cabiria) | 1957 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
50 | And the Ship Sails On (E la nave va) | 1984 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
51 | Brazil | 1985 | États-Unis | Terry Gilliam |
52 | Yojimbo (Yôjinbô) | 1961 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
53 | Sanjuro (Tsubaki Sanjûrô) | 1962 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
54 | For All Mankind | 1989 | États-Unis | Al Reinert |
55 | The Bubearable Lightness of Being | 1988 | États-Unis | Philip Kaufman |
56 | The 39 Steps | 1935 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
57 | Charade | 1963 | États-Unis | Stanley Donen |
58 | Peeping Tom | 1960 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell |
59 | The Night Porter (Il portiere di notte) | 1974 | Italie | Liliana Cavani |
60 | Autumn Sonata (Höstsonaten) | 1978 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
61 | Monty Python’s Life of Brian | 1979 | Royaume-Uni | Terry Jones |
62 | The Passion of Joan of Arc (La passion de Jeanne d’Arc) | 1928 | France | Carl Th. Dreyer |
63 | Carnival of Souls | 1962 | États-Unis | Herk Harvey |
64 | The Third Man | 1949 | Royaume-Uni | Carol Reed |
65 | Rushmore | 1998 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
66 | The Orphic Trilogy (La trilogie d’Orphée) | 1930-1959 | France | Jean Cocteau |
67 | The Blood of a Poet (Le sang d’un poète) | 1930 | France | Jean Cocteau |
68 | Orpheus (Orphée) | 1950 | France | Jean Cocteau |
69 | Testament of Orpheus (Le testament d’Orphée ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi) | 1959 | France | Jean Cocteau |
70 | The Last Tempation of Christ | 1988 | États-Unis | Martin Scorsese |
71 | The Magic Flute (Trollflöjten) | 1975 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
72 | Le million | 1931 | France | René Clair |
73 | Cléo from 5 to 7 (Cléo de 5 à 7) | 1962 | France | Agnès Varda |
74 | Vagabond (Sans toit ni loi) | 1985 | France | Agnès Varda |
75 | Chasing Amy | 1997 | États-Unis | Kevin Smith |
76 | Brief Encounter | 1945 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean |
77 | And God Created Woman (Et Dieu… créa la femme) | 1956 | France | Roger Vadim |
78 | The Bank Dick | 1940 | États-Unis | Edward Cline |
79 | W.C. Fields – Six Short Films | 1933 | États-Unis | Monte Brice, Clyde Bruckman, Edwin Middleton, Leslie Pearce et Arthur Ripley |
80 | The Element of Crime (Forbrydelsens element) | 1984 | Danemark | Lars von Trier |
81 | Variety Lights (Luci del varietà) | 1950 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
82 | Hamlet | 1948 | Royaume-Uni | Laurence Olivier |
83 | The Harder They Come | 1973 | États-Unis | Perry Henzell |
84 | Good Morning (Ohayô) | 1959 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
85 | Pygmalion | 1938 | Royaume-Uni | Anthony Asquith et Leslie Howard |
86 | Eisenstein: The Sound Years | Russie | Sergei Eisenstein | |
87 | Alexander Nevsky (Александр Невский) | 1938 | Russie | Sergei Eisenstein |
88 | Ivan the Terrible, part II (Иван Грозный. Сказ второй: Боярский заговор) | 1958 | Russie | Sergei Eisenstein |
89 | Sisters | 1973 | États-Unis | Brian De Palma |
90 | Kwaidan (Kaidan) | 1965 | Japon | Masaki Kobayashi |
91 | The Blob | 1958 | États-Unis | Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. |
92 | Friend Without a Face | 1958 | Royaume-Uni | Arthur Crabtree |
93 | Black Narcissus | 1947 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
94 | I Know Where I’m Going! | 1945 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
95 | All That Heavenb Allows | 1955 | États-Unis | Douglas Sirk |
96 | Written of the Wind | 1956 | États-Unis | Douglas Sirk |
97 | Do the Right Thing | 1989 | États-Unis | Spike Lee |
98 | L’avventura | 1960 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
99 | Gimme Shelter | 1970 | États-Unis | David Maysles, Albert Maysles et Charlotte Zwerin |
100 | Beastie Boys Video Anthology | 2000 | États-Unis | Various |
101 | Cries and Whispers (Viskningar och rop) | 1972 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
102 | The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie) | 1972 | France | Luis Bunuel |
103 | The Lady Eve | 1941 | États-Unis | Preston Sturges |
104 | Double Suicide (Shinjû: Ten no Amijima) | 1969 | Japon | Masahiro Shinoda |
105 | Spartacus | 1960 | États-Unis | Stanley Kubrick |
106 | Coup de torchon | 1981 | France | Bertrand Tavernier |
107 | Mona Lisa | 1986 | Royaume-Uni | Neil Jordan |
108 | The Rock | 1996 | États-Unis | Michael Bay |
109 | The Scarlet Empress | 1934 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
110 | Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (Les vacances de Monsiel Hulot) | 1953 | France | Jacques Tati |
111 | Mon oncle | 1958 | France | Jacques Tati |
112 | PlayTime | 1967 | France | Jacques Tati |
113 | Big Deal on Madonna Street (I soliti ignoti) | 1958 | Italie | Mario Monicelli |
114 | My Man Godfrey | 1936 | États-Unis | Gregory La Cava |
115 | Rififi (Du rififi chez les hommes) | 1955 | France | Jules Dassin |
116 | The Hidden Fortress (Kakushi-toride no san-akunin) | 1958 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
117 | Diary of a Chambermaid (Le journal d’une femme de chambre) | 1964 | France | Luis Bunuel |
118 | Sullivan’s Travels | 1941 | États-Unis | Preston Sturges |
119 | Withnail and I | 1986 | Royaume-Uni | Bruce Robinson |
120 | How to Get Ahead in Advertising | 1988 | Royaume-Uni | Bruce Robinson |
121 | Billy Liar | 1963 | Royaume-Uni | John Sclesinger |
122 | Salesman | 1968 | États-Unis | Albert Maysles, David Maysles et Charlotte Zwerin |
123 | Grey Gardens | 1976 | États-Unis | Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Ellen Hovde et Muffie Meyer |
124 | Carl Theodor Dreyer Box Set | Danemark | Carl Th. Dreyer | |
125 | Day of Wrath (Vredens dag) | 1943 | Danemark | Carl Th. Dreyer |
126 | Ordet | 1955 | Danemark | Carl Th. Dreyer |
127 | Gertrud | 1964 | Danemark | Carl Th. Dreyer |
128 | Carl Th. Dreyer – My Metier (Min metier) | 1995 | Danemark | Torben Skjodt Jensen |
129 | Le trou | 1960 | France | Jacques Becker |
130 | The Shop on Main Street (Obchod na korze) | 1965 | République Tchèque | Jan Kadar et Elmar Klos |
131 | Closely Watched Trains (Ostre sledované vlaky) | 1966 | République Tchèque | Jiri Menzel |
132 | The Ruling Class | 1972 | Royaume-Uni | Peter Medak |
133 | The Vanishing (Spoorloos) | 1988 | Pays-Bas | George Sluizer |
134 | Häxan | 1922 | Danemark | Benjamin Christensen |
135 | Rebecca | 1940 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
136 | Spellbound | 1945 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
137 | Notorious | 1946 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
138 | Rashomon (Rashômon) | 1950 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
139 | Wild Strawberries (Smultronstället) | 1957 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
140 | 8 1/2 | 1963 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
141 | Children of Paradise (Les enfants du paradis) | 1945 | France | Marcel Carné |
142 | The Last Wave | 1977 | Australie | Peter Weir |
143 | That Obscure Object of Desire (Cet obscur objet de désir) | 1977 | France | Luis Bunuel |
144 | Loves of a Blonde (Lásky jedné plavovlásky) | 1965 | République Tchèque | Milos Forman |
145 | The Firemen’s Ball (Horí, má panenko) | 1967 | République Tchèque | Milos Forman |
146 | The Cranes Are Flying (Летят журавли) | 1957 | Russie | Mikhail Kalatozov |
147 | In the Mood for Love (Faa yeung nin wa) | 2000 | Hong Kong | Wong Kar-wai |
148 | Ballad of a Soldier (Ballada o soldate) | 1959 | Russie | Grigori Chukhrai |
149 | Juliet of the Spirits (Giulietta degli spiriti) | 1965 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
150 | Bob le flambeur | 1956 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
151 | Traffic | 2000 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
152 | George Washington | 2000 | États-Unis | David Gordon Green |
153 | General Idi Amin Dada: A Self-Portrait ((Général Idi Amin Dada: Autoportrait) | 1974 | France | Barbet Schroeder |
154 | The Horse’s Mouth | 1958 | Royaume-Uni | Ronald Neame |
155 | Tokyo Olympiad (Tôkyô orinpikku) | 1965 | Japon | Kon Ichikawa |
156 | Hearts and Minds | 1974 | États-Unis | Peter Davis |
157 | The Royal Tenenbaums | 2001 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
158 | The Importance of Being Earnest | 1952 | Royaume-Uni | Anthony Asquith |
159 | Red Beard (Akahige) | 1965 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
160 | À nous la liberté | 1931 | France | René Clair |
161 | Under the Roofs of Paris (Sous les toits de Paris) | 1930 | France | René Clair |
162 | Ratcatcher | 1999 | États-Unis | Lynne Ramsay |
163 | Hopscotch | 1980 | États-Unis | Ronald Neame |
164 | Solaris (Солярис) | 1972 | Russie | Andrei Tarkovsky |
165 | Man Bites Dog (C’est arrivé près de chez vous) | 1992 | France | Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel et Benoit Poelvoorde |
166 | Down by Law | 1986 | États-Unis | Jim Jarmusch |
167 | The Complete Monterey Pop Festival | États-Unis | Various | |
168 | Monterey Pop | 1968 | États-Unis | D.A. Pennebaker |
169 | Jimi Plays Monterey & Shake! Otis at Monterey | 1986 | États-Unis | D.A. Pennebaker et Chris Hegedus |
170 | Trouble in Paradise | 1932 | États-Unis | Ernst Lubitsch |
171 | Contempt (Le mépris) | 1963 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
172 | Pépé le moko | 1937 | France | Julien Duvivier |
173 | The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp | 1943 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
174 | Band of Outsiders (Bande à part) | 1964 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
175 | Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | 1998 | États-Unis | Terry Gilliam |
176 | The Killers | 1946 | États-Unis | Don Siegel et Robert Siodmak |
177 | The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum ((Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum) | 1975 | Allemagne | Volker Schlöndorff et Margarethe von Trotta |
178 | My Life as a Dog (Mitt liv som hund) | 1985 | Suède | Lasse Hallström |
179 | I Am Curious… Box Set ((Jag är nyfiken) | Suède | Vilgot Sjöman | |
180 | I Am Curious – Yellow (Jag är nyfiken – en film i gult) | 1967 | Suède | Vilgot Sjöman |
181 | I Am Curious – Blue (Jag är nyfiken – en film i blått) | 1967 | Suède | Vilgot Sjöman |
182 | Straw Dogs | 1971 | États-Unis | Sam Peckinpah |
183 | Les dames du Bois de Boulogne | 1945 | France | Robert Bresson |
184 | By Brakhage: An Anthology, Volume One | États-Unis | Stan Brakhage | |
185 | The Adventures of Antoine Doinel (Les aventures d’Antoine Doinel) | France | François Truffaut | |
186 | Stolen Kisses (Baisers volés) | 1968 | France | François Truffaut |
187 | Bed and Board (Domicile conjugal) | 1970 | France | François Truffaut |
188 | Love on the Run (L’amour en fuite) | 1979 | France | François Truffaut |
189 | The White Sheik (Lo sceicco bianco) | 1952 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
190 | Throne of Blood (Kumonosu-jô) | 1957 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
191 | Jubilee | 1978 | Royaume-Uni | Derek Jarman |
192 | Coup de grâce (Der Fangschuß) | 1976 | Allemagne | Volker Schlöndorff |
193 | Quai des Orfèvres | 1947 | France | Henri-Georges Clouzot |
194 | Il posto | 1961 | Italie | Ermanno Olmi |
195 | I fidanzati | 1962 | Italie | Ermanno Olmi |
196 | Hiroshima mon amour | 1959 | France | Alain Resnais |
197 | Night and Fog (Nuit et brouillard) | 1955 | France | Alain Resnais |
198 | Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Angst essen Seele auf) | 1974 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
199 | Schizopolis | 1996 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
200 | The Honeymoon Killers | 1969 | États-Unis | Leonard Kastle |
201 | Umberto D. | 1952 | Italie | Vittorio De Sica |
202 | Indiscretion of an American Wife (Stazione Termini) | 1953 | Italie | Vittorio De Sica |
203 | The BRD Trilogy | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder | |
204 | The Marriage of Maria Braun (Die Ehe der Maria Braun) | 1978 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
205 | Veronika Voss (Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss) | 1982 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
206 | Lola | 1981 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
207 | The Pornographers (Erogotoshi-tachi yori: Junruigaku nyûmon) | 1966 | Japon | Shohei Imamura |
208 | A Film Trilogy by Ingmar Bergman | Suède | Ingmar Bergman | |
209 | Through a Glass Darkly (Såsom i en spegel) | 1961 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
210 | Winter Light (Nattvardsgästerna) | 1963 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
211 | The Silence (Tystnaden) | 1963 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
212 | Ingmar Bergman Makes a Movie (Ingmar Bergman gör en film) | 1962 | Suède | Vilgot Sjöman |
213 | Richard III | 1955 | Royaume-Uni | Laurence Olivier |
214 | The Devil and Daniel Webster | 1941 | États-Unis | William Dieterle |
215 | Knife in the Water (Nóz w wodzie) | 1962 | Pologne | Roman Polanski |
216 | The Rules of the Game (La règle du jeu) | 1939 | France | Jean Renoir |
217 | Tokyo Story (Tôkyô monogatari) | 1953 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
218 | Le cercle rouge | 1970 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
219 | La strada | 1954 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
220 | Naked Lunch | 1991 | États-Unis | David Cronenberg |
221 | Ikiru | 1952 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
222 | Diary of a Country Priest (Journal d’un curé de campagne) | 1951 | France | Robert Bresson |
223 | Maîtresse | 1976 | France | Barbet Schroeder |
224 | Pickup on South Street | 1953 | États-Unis | Samuel Fuller |
225 | Tunes of Glory | 1960 | Royaume-Uni | Ronald Neame |
226 | Onibaba | 1964 | Japon | Kaneto Shindo |
227 | Le corbeau | 1943 | France | Henri-Georges Clouzot |
228 | Salvatore Giuliano | 1962 | Italie | Francesco Rosi |
229 | Scenes from a Marriage (Scener ur ett äktenskap) | 1973 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
230 | 3 Women | 1977 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
231 | The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse) | 1933 | Allemagne | Fritz Lang |
232 | A Story of Floating Weeds/Floating Weeds: Two Films by Yasujiro Ozu (Ukikusa monogatari/Ukikusa) | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu | |
233 | Stray Dog (Nora inu) | 1949 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
234 | The Tin Drum (Die Blechtrommel) | 1979 | Allemagne | Volker Schlöndorff |
235 | The Leopard (Il gattopardo) | 1963 | Italie | Luchino Visconti |
236 | Mamma Roma | 1962 | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini |
237 | Smiles of a Summer Night (Sommarnattens leende) | 1955 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
238 | A Woman Is a Woman (Une femme est une femme) | 1961 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
239 | The Lower Depths (Les bas-fonds/Donzoko) | 1939/1957 | France/Japon | Jean Renoir et Akira Kurosawa |
240 | Early Summer (Bakushû) | 1951 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
241 | Stage and Spectacle: Three Films by Jean Renoir (Scène et spectacle) | France | Jean Renoir | |
242 | The Golden Coach (Le carosse d’or) | 1953 | France | Jean Renoir |
243 | French Cancan | 1955 | France | Jean Renoir |
244 | Elena and Her Men (Elena et les hommes) | 1956 | France | Jean Renoir |
245 | Port of Shadows (Le quai des brumes) | 1938 | France | Marcel Carné |
246 | I vitelloni | 1953 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
247 | Slacker | 1991 | États-Unis | Richard Linklater |
248 | Videodrome | 1983 | États-Unis | David Cronenberg |
249 | The Battle of Algiers (La battaglia di Algeri) | 1966 | Italie | Gillo Pontecorvo |
250 | John Cassavetes: Five Films | États-Unis | John Cassavetes | |
251 | Shadows | 1959 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
252 | Faces | 1968 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
253 | A Woman Under the Influence | 1974 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
254 | The Killing of a Chinese Bookie | 1976 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
255 | Opening Night | 1977 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
256 | A Constant Forge | 2000 | États-Unis | Charles Kiselyak |
257 | Secret Honor | 1984 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
258 | Tanner ’88 | 1988 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
259 | Fat Girl | 2001 | France | Catherine Breillat |
260 | Eyes Without a Face | 1960 | France | Georges Franju |
261 | Fanny and Alexander Box Set | Suède | Ingmar Bergman | |
262 | Fanny and Alexander – The Television Version | 1983 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
263 | Fanny and Alexander – The Theatrical Version | 1982 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
264 | The Making of Fanny and Alexander | 1982 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
265 | Short Cuts | 1993 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
266 | The King of Kings | 1927 | États-Unis | Cecil B. DeMille |
267 | Kagemusha | 1980 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
268 | Youth of the Beast | 1963 | Japon | Seijun Suzuki |
269 | Fighting Elegy | 1966 | Japon | Seijun Suzuki |
270 | Casque d’or | 1952 | France | Jacques Becker |
271 | Touchez pas au grisbi | 1954 | France | Jacques Becker |
272 | La commare secca | 1962 | Italie | Bernardo Bertolucci |
273 | Thieves’ Highway | 1949 | France | Jules Dassin |
274 | Night and the City | 1950 | France | Jules Dassin |
275 | Tout va bien | 1972 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
276 | The River | 1951 | France | Jean Renoir |
277 | My Own Private Idaho | 1991 | États-Unis | Gus Van Sant |
278 | L’eclisse | 1962 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
279 | Young Törless | 1966 | Allemagne | Volker Schlöndorff |
280 | The Sword of Doom | 1966 | Japon | Kihachi Okamoto |
281 | Jules and Jim | 1962 | France | François Truffaut |
282 | Andrzej Wajda: Three War Films | Pologne | Andrzej Wajda | |
283 | A Generation | 1955 | Pologne | Andrzej Wajda |
284 | Kanal | 1957 | Pologne | Andrzej Wajda |
285 | Ashes and Diamonds | 1958 | Pologne | Andrzej Wajda |
286 | Divorce Italian Style | 1961 | Italie | Pietro Germi |
287 | Burden of Dreams | 1982 | États-Unis | Les Blank |
288 | F for Fake | 1975 | États-Unis | Orson Welles |
289 | Hoop Dreams | 1994 | États-Unis | Steve James |
290 | The Phantom of Liberty | 1974 | France | Luis Bunuel |
291 | Heaven Can Wait | 1943 | États-Unis | Ernst Lubitsch |
292 | Unfaithfully Yours | 1948 | États-Unis | Preston Sturges |
293 | The Flowers of St. Francis | 1950 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
294 | The Browning Version | 1951 | Royaume-Uni | Anthony Asquith |
295 | Crazed Fruit | 1956 | Japon | Kô Nakahira |
296 | Le notti bianche | 1957 | Italie | Luchino Visconti |
297 | Au hasard Balthazar | 1966 | France | Robert Bresson |
298 | Gate of Flesh | 1964 | Japon | Seijun Suzuki |
299 | Story of a Prostitute | 1965 | Japon | Seijun Suzuki |
300 | The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou | 2004 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
301 | An Angel at My Table | 1990 | États-Unis | Jane Campion |
302 | Harakiri | 1962 | Japon | Masaki Kobayashi |
303 | Bad Timing | 1980 | Royaume-Uni | Nicolas Roeg |
304 | The Man Who Fell to Earth | 1976 | États-Unis | Nicolas Roeg |
305 | Boudu Saved from Drowning | 1932 | France | Jean Renoir |
306 | Le samouraï | 1967 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
307 | Naked | 1993 | Royaume-Uni | Mike Leigh |
308 | Masculin féminin | 1966 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
309 | Ugetsu | 1953 | Japon | Kenji Mizoguchi |
310 | Samurai Rebellion | 1967 | Japon | Masaki Kobayashi |
311 | Sword of the Beast | 1965 | Japon | Hideo Gosha |
312 | Samurai Spy | 1965 | Japon | Masahiro Shinoda |
313 | Kill! | 1968 | Japon | Kihachi Okamoto |
314 | Pickpocket | 1959 | France | Robert Bresson |
315 | Shoot the Piano Player | 1960 | France | François Truffaut |
316 | Ran | 1985 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
317 | The Tales of Hoffmann | 1951 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
318 | Forbidden Games | 1952 | France | René Clément |
319 | The Bad Sleep Well | 1960 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
320 | Young Mr. Lincoln | 1939 | États-Unis | John Ford |
321 | The Virgin Spring | 1960 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
322 | The Complete Mr. Arkadin | 1955 | États-Unis | Orson Welles |
323 | The Children Are Watching Us | 1944 | Italie | Vittorio De Sica |
324 | La bête humaine | 1938 | France | Jean Renoir |
325 | Kind Hearts and Coronets | 1949 | Royaume-Uni | Robert Hamer |
326 | Metropolitan | 1990 | États-Unis | Whit Stillman |
327 | 3 Films by Louis Malle | France | Louis Malle | |
328 | Murmur of the Heart | 1971 | France | Louis Malle |
329 | Lacombe, Lucien | 1974 | France | Louis Malle |
330 | Au revoir les enfants | 1987 | France | Louis Malle |
331 | Late Spring | 1949 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
332 | Viridiana | 1961 | Espagne | Luis Bunuel |
333 | Fists in the Pocket | 1965 | Italie | Marco Bellocchio |
334 | Harian County USA | 1976 | États-Unis | Barbara Kopple |
335 | Elevator to the Gallows | 1958 | France | Louis Malle |
336 | Dazed and Confused | 1993 | États-Unis | Richard Linklater |
337 | À nos amours | 1983 | France | Maurice Pialat |
338 | Equinox | 1970 | États-Unis | Jack Woods |
339 | Yi Yi | 2000 | Taïwan | Edward Yang |
340 | Koko: A Talking Gorilla | 1978 | France | Barbet Schroeder |
341 | A Canterbury Tale | 1944 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
342 | Six Moral Tales | France | Eric Rohmer | |
343 | The Bakery Girl of Monceau | 1963 | France | Eric Rohmer |
344 | Suzanne’s Career | 1963 | France | Eric Rohmer |
345 | My Night at Maud’s | 1969 | France | Eric Rohmer |
346 | La collectionneuse | 1967 | France | Eric Rohmer |
347 | Claire’s Knee | 1970 | France | Eric Rohmer |
348 | Love in the Afternoon | 1972 | France | Eric Rohmer |
349 | Kicking and Screaming | 1995 | États-Unis | Noah Baumbach |
350 | Seduced and Abandoned | 1964 | Italie | Pietro Germi |
351 | The Spirit of the Beehive | 1973 | Espagne | Victor Erice |
352 | Jigoku | 1960 | Japon | Nubuo Nakagawa |
353 | Solo con tu pareja | 1991 | Mexique | Alfonso Cuaron |
354 | Clean, Shaven | 1994 | États-Unis | Lodge Kerrigan |
355 | Hands over the City | 1963 | Italie | Francesco Rosi |
356 | Sweetie | 1989 | États-Unis | Jane Campion |
357 | The Fallen Idol | 1948 | Royaume-Uni | Carol Reed |
358 | Pandora’s Box | 1929 | Allemagne | Georg Wilhelm Pabst |
359 | The Double Life of Véronique | 1991 | France | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
360 | Symbiopsychotaxiplasm | 1968 | États-Unis | William Greaves |
361 | The Beales of Grey Gardens | 2006 | États-Unis | Albert Maysles et David Maysles |
362 | Border Radio | 1987 | États-Unis | Allison Anders, Dean Lent et Kurt Voss |
363 | Mouchette | 1967 | France | Robert Bresson |
364 | Monsters and Madmen | Various | ||
365 | First Man into Space | 1959 | États-Unis | Robert Day |
366 | The Atomic Submarine | 1959 | États-Unis | Spencer G. Bennet |
367 | The Haunted Strangler | 1958 | États-Unis | Robert Day |
368 | Corridors of Blood | 1959 | États-Unis | Robert Day |
369 | Paul Robeson: Portraits of the Artist | |||
370 | The Emperor Jones | 1933 | États-Unis | Dudley Murphy |
371 | Body and Soul | 1925 | États-Unis | Oscar Micheaux |
372 | Sanders of the River | 1935 | Royaume-Uni | Zoltan Korda |
373 | The Proud Valley | 1940 | Royaume-Uni | Pen Tennyson |
374 | Bicycle Thieves | 1948 | Italie | Vittorio De Sica |
375 | Green for Danger | 1946 | Royaume-Uni | Sidney Gilliat |
376 | 49th Parallel | 1941 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell |
377 | When a Woman Ascends the Stairs | 1960 | Japon | Mikio Naruse |
378 | Fires on the Plain | 1959 | Japon | Kon Ichikawa |
379 | The Burmese Harp | 1956 | Japon | Kon Ichikawa |
380 | The Naked City | 1948 | États-Unis | Jules Dassin |
381 | La haine | 1995 | France | Mathieu Kassovitz |
382 | Overlord | 1975 | Royaume-Uni | Stuart Cooper |
383 | Brute Force | 1947 | États-Unis | Jules Dassin |
384 | Vengeance Is Mine | 1979 | Japon | Shohei Imamura |
385 | Army of Shadows | 1969 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
386 | Sansho the Bailiff | 1954 | Japon | Kenji Mizoguchi |
387 | La jetée/Sans Soleil | Chris Marker | ||
388 | The Two of Us | 1967 | France | Claude Berri |
389 | WR: Mysteries of the Organism | 1971 | Yougoslavie | Dusan Makavejev |
390 | Sweet Movie | 1947 | France | Dusan Makavejev |
391 | If… | 1968 | Royaume-Uni | Lindsay Anderson |
392 | Three Films by Hiroshi Teshigahara | Hiroshi Teshigahara | ||
393 | Pitfall | 1962 | Japon | Hiroshi Teshigahara |
394 | Woman in the Dunes | 1964 | Japon | Hiroshi Teshigahara |
395 | The Face of Another | 1966 | Japon | Hiroshi Teshigahara |
396 | Ace in the Hole | 1951 | États-Unis | Billy Wilder |
397 | Ivan’s Childhood | 1962 | Russie | Andrei Tarkovsky |
398 | Les enfants terribles | 1950 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
399 | House of Games | 1987 | États-Unis | David Mamet |
400 | Stranger Than Paradise | 1984 | États-Unis | Jim Jarmusch |
401 | Night on Earth | 1991 | États-Unis | Jim Jarmusch |
402 | The Milky Way | 1969 | France | Luis Bunuel |
403 | Cria cuervos… | 1976 | Espagne | Carlos Saura |
404 | Robinson Crusoe on Mars | 1964 | États-Unis | Byron Haskin |
405 | The Threepenny Opera | 1931 | Allemagne | Georg Wilhelm Pabst |
406 | Martha Graham: Dance on Film | 1959 | États-Unis | Nathan Kroll |
407 | Mala Noche | 1985 | Suède | Gus Van Sant |
408 | Breathless | 1960 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
409 | Days of Heaven | 1978 | États-Unis | Terrence Malick |
410 | Under the Volcano | 1984 | États-Unis | John Huston |
411 | Berlin Alexanderplatz | 1980 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
412 | Sawdust and Tinsel | 1953 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
413 | Drunken Angel | 1948 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
414 | Two-Lane Blacktop | 1971 | États-Unis | Monte Hellman |
415 | The Naked Prey | 1965 | États-Unis | Cornel Wilde |
416 | Miss Julie | 1951 | Suède | Alf Sjöberg |
417 | This Sporting Life | 1963 | Royaume-Uni | Lindsay Anderson |
418 | 4 by Agnès Varda | France | Agnès Varda | |
419 | La pointe courte | 1956 | France | Agnès Varda |
420 | Le bonheur | 1965 | France | Agnès Varda |
421 | Pierrot le fou | 1965 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
422 | The Last Emperor | 1987 | Italie | Bernardo Bertolucci |
423 | Walker | 1987 | États-Unis | Alex Cox |
424 | Mafioso | 1962 | Italie | Alberto Lattuada |
425 | Antonio Gaudi | 1984 | Japon | Hiroshi Teshigahara |
426 | The Ice Storm | 1997 | Hong Kong | Ang Lee |
427 | Death of a Cyclist | 1955 | Espagne | Juan Antonio Bardem |
428 | Blast of Silence | 1961 | États-Unis | Allen Baron |
429 | The Lovers | 1958 | France | Louis Malle |
430 | The Fire Within | 1963 | France | Louis Malle |
431 | The Thief of Bagdad | 1940 | Royaume-Uni | Tim Whelan, Michael Powell et Ludwig Berger |
432 | Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters | 1985 | États-Unis | Paul Schrader |
433 | Patriotism | 1966 | Japon | Yukio Mishima et Domoto Masaki |
434 | Classe tous risques | 1960 | France | Claude Sautet |
435 | The Furies | 1950 | États-Unis | Anthony Mann |
436 | Before the Rain | 1994 | Macédoine | Milcho Manchevski |
437 | Vampyr | 1932 | France | Carl Th. Dreyer |
438 | Mon oncle Antoine | 1971 | Canada | Claude Jutra |
439 | Trafic | 1971 | France | Jacques Tati |
440 | Brand upon the Brain! | 2006 | France | Guy Maddin |
441 | The Small Back Room | 1949 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger |
442 | Twenty-Four Eyes | 1954 | Japon | Keisuke Kinoshita |
443 | La ronde | 1950 | France | Max Ophuls |
444 | Le plaisir | 1952 | France | Max Ophuls |
445 | The Earrings of Madame de … | 1953 | France | Max Ophuls |
446 | An Autumn Afternoon | 1962 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
447 | Le doulos | 1962 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
448 | Le deuxième souffle | 1966 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
449 | Missing | 1982 | États-Unis | Costa-Gavras |
450 | Bottle Rocket | 1996 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
451 | Fanfan la Tulipe | 1952 | France | Christian-Jacque |
452 | The Spy Who Came in from the Cold | 1965 | États-Unis | Martin Ritt |
453 | Chungking Express | 1994 | Hong Kong | Wong Kar-wai |
454 | Europa | 1991 | Danemark | Lars von Trier |
455 | White Dog | 1982 | États-Unis | Samuel Fuller |
456 | The Taking of Power by Louis XIV | 1966 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
457 | Magnificent Obsession | 1954 | États-Unis | Douglas Sirk |
458 | El Norte | 1983 | Guatemala | Gregory Nava |
459 | The Exterminating Angel | 1962 | Mexique | Luis Bunuel |
460 | Simon of the Desert | 1965 | Mexique | Luis Bunuel |
461 | Hobson’s Choice | 1954 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean |
462 | The Last Metro | 1980 | France | François Truffaut |
463 | Il Generale Della Rovere | 1959 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
464 | Danton | 1983 | France | Andrej Wajda |
465 | Dodes’ka-den | 1970 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
466 | In the Realm of the Senses | 1976 | Japon | Nagisa Oshima |
467 | Empire of Passion | 1978 | Japon | Nagisa Oshima |
468 | Science Is Fiction: 23 Films by Jean Painlevé | France | Jean Painlevé | |
469 | The Hit | 1984 | Royaume-Uni | Stephen Frears |
470 | Wise Blood | 1979 | États-Unis | John Huston |
471 | Pigs, Pimps & Prostitutes: 3 Films by Shohei Imamura | Japon | Shohei Imamura | |
472 | Pigs and Battleships | 1962 | Japon | Shohei Imamura |
473 | The Insect Woman | 1963 | Japon | Shohei Imamura |
474 | Intentions of Murder | 1964 | Japon | Shohei Imamura |
475 | The Friends of Eddie Coyle | 1973 | États-Unis | Peter Yates |
476 | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button | 2008 | États-Unis | David Fincher |
477 | Bergman Island | 2006 | Suède | Marie Nyreröd |
478 | Last Year at Marienbad | 1961 | France | Alain Resnais |
479 | My Dinner with André | 1981 | France | Louis Malle |
480 | The Human Condition | 1959 | Japon | Masaki Kobayashi |
481 | Made in U.S.A. | 1966 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
482 | 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her | 1967 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
483 | Repulsion | 1965 | Royaume-Uni | Roman Polanski |
484 | Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles | 1975 | France | Chantal Akerman |
485 | The Last Days of Disco | 1998 | États-Unis | Whit Stillman |
486 | Homicide | 1991 | États-Unis | David Mamet |
487 | That Hamilton Woman | 1941 | Royaume-Uni | Alexander Korda |
488 | Howards End | 1992 | Royaume-Uni | James Ivory |
489 | Monsoon Wedding | 2001 | Inde | Mira Nair |
490 | Wings of Desire | 1987 | Allemagne | Wim Wenders |
491 | Z | 1969 | France | Costa-Gavras |
492 | A Christmas Tale | 2008 | France | Arnaud Desplechin |
493 | Gomorrah | 2008 | Italie | Matteo Garrone |
494 | Downhill Racer | 1969 | États-Unis | Michael Ritchie |
495 | The Golden Age of Television | États-Unis | Various | |
496 | Che | 2008 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
497 | Rome Open City | 1945 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
498 | Paisan | 1946 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
499 | Germany Year Zero | 1948 | Allemagne | Roberto Rossellini |
500 | Roberto Rossellini’s War Trilogy | Italie | Roberto Rossellini | |
501 | Paris, Texas | 1984 | États-Unis | Wim Wenders |
502 | Revanche | 2008 | France | Götz Spielmann |
503 | Lola Montès | 1955 | France | Max Ophuls |
504 | Hunger | 2008 | Royaume-Uni | Steve McQueen |
505 | Make Way for Tomorrow | 1937 | États-Unis | Leo McCarey |
506 | Dillinger is Dead | 1969 | Italie | Marco Ferreri |
507 | Bigger Than Life | 1956 | États-Unis | Nicholas Ray |
508 | Letters from Fontainhas: Three Films by Pedro Costa | Portugal | Pedro Costa | |
509 | Ossos | 1997 | Portugal | Pedro Costa |
510 | In Vanda’s Room | 2000 | Portugal | Pedro Costa |
511 | Colossal Youth | 2006 | Portugal | Pedro Costa |
512 | Vivre sa vie | 1962 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
513 | Summer Hours | 2008 | France | Olivier Assayas |
514 | Ride with the Devil | 1999 | Hong Kong | Ang Lee |
515 | The Fugitive Kind | 1960 | États-Unis | Sidney Lumet |
516 | Stagecoach | 1939 | États-Unis | John Ford |
517 | By Brakhage: An Anthology, Volume Two | États-Unis | Stan Brakhage | |
518 | By Brakhage: An Anthology Volumes One and Two | États-Unis | Stan Brakhage | |
519 | Close-up | 1990 | Iran | Abbas Kiarostami |
520 | Everlasting Moments | 2008 | Suède | Jan Troell |
521 | Mystery Train | 1989 | États-Unis | Jim Jarmusch |
522 | Red Desert | 1964 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
523 | Night Train to Munich | 1940 | Royaume-Uni | Carol Reed |
524 | The Only Son/There Was a Father: Two Films by Yasujiro Ozu | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu | |
525 | The Only Son | 1936 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
526 | There Was a Father | 1942 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
527 | The Secret of the Grain | 2007 | France | Abdellatif Kechiche |
528 | 3 Silent Classics by Josef von Sternberg | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg | |
529 | Underworld | 1927 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
530 | The Last Command | 1928 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
531 | The Docks of New York | 1928 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
532 | Louie Bluie | 1985 | États-Unis | Terry Zwigoff |
533 | Crumb | 1995 | États-Unis | Terry Zwigoff |
534 | L’enfance nue | 1968 | France | Maurice Pialat |
535 | Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence | 1983 | Japon | Nagisa Oshima |
536 | The Thin Red Line | 1998 | États-Unis | Terrence Malick |
537 | The Magician | 1958 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
538 | Paths of Glory | 1957 | États-Unis | Stanley Kubrick |
539 | House of Games | 1977 | Japon | Nobuhiko Obayashi |
540 | The Darjeeling Limited | 2007 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
541 | The Night of the Hunter | 1955 | États-Unis | Charles Laughton |
542 | Antichrist | 2009 | États-Unis | Lars von Trier |
543 | Modern Times | 1936 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
544 | Head | 1968 | États-Unis | Bob Rafelson |
545 | Easy Rider | 1969 | États-Unis | Dennis Hopper |
546 | Five Easy Pieces | 1970 | États-Unis | Bob Rafelson |
547 | Drive, He Said | 1970 | États-Unis | Jack Nicholson |
548 | A Safe Place | 1971 | États-Unis | Henry Jaglom |
549 | The Last Picture Show | 1971 | États-Unis | Peter Bogdanovich |
550 | The King of Marvin Gardens | 1972 | États-Unis | Bob Rafelson |
551 | Cronos | 1993 | Mexique | Guillermo del Toro |
552 | Broadcast News | 1987 | États-Unis | James L. Brooks |
553 | Fish Tank | 2009 | Royaume-Uni | Andrea Arnold |
554 | Still Walking | 2008 | Japon | Hirokazu Kore-eda |
555 | Sweet Smell of Success | 1957 | États-Unis | Alexander Mackendrick |
556 | Senso | 1954 | Italie | Luchino Visconti |
557 | The Times of Harvey Milk | 1984 | États-Unis | Robert Epstein |
558 | Topsy-Turvy | 1999 | Royaume-Uni | Mike Leigh |
559 | The Mikado | 1939 | États-Unis | Victor Schertzinger |
560 | White Material | 2009 | France | Claire Denis |
561 | Kes | 1970 | Royaume-Uni | Ken Loach |
562 | Blow Out | 1981 | États-Unis | Brian De Palma |
563 | Something Wild | 1986 | États-Unis | Jonathan Demme |
564 | Pale Flower | 1964 | Japon | Masahiro Shinoda |
565 | The Great Dictator | 1940 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
566 | Insignificance | 1985 | Royaume-Uni | Nicolas Roeg |
567 | The Makioka Sisters | 1983 | Japon | Kon Ichikawa |
568 | Kiss Me Deadly | 1955 | États-Unis | Robert Aldrich |
569 | People on Sunday | 1930 | Allemagne | Robert Siodmak et Edgar G. Ulmer |
570 | Zazie dans le métro | 1960 | France | Louis Malle |
571 | Black Moon | 1975 | France | Louis Malle |
572 | Léon Morin, Priest | 1961 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
573 | The Music Room | 1958 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
574 | Life During Wartime | 2010 | Royaume-Uni | Todd Solondz |
575 | The Killing | 1956 | États-Unis | Stanley Kubrick |
576 | Secret Sunshine | 2007 | Corée du Sud | Lee Chang-dong |
577 | Cul-de-sac | 1966 | France | Roman Polanski |
578 | The Complete Jean Vigo | |||
579 | The Phantom Carriage | 1921 | Suède | Victor Sjöström |
580 | Le beau Serge | 1958 | France | Claude Chabrol |
581 | Les cousins | 1959 | France | Claude Chabrol |
582 | Carlos | 2010 | France | Olivier Assayas |
583 | The Four Feathers | 1939 | Royaume-Uni | Zoltan Korda |
584 | Kuroneko | 1968 | Japon | Kaneto Shindo |
585 | Identification of a Woman | 1982 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
586 | Island of Lost Souls | 1932 | États-Unis | Erie C. Kenton |
587 | Three Colors | France | Krzysztof Kieslowski | |
588 | Three Colors: Blue | 1993 | France | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
589 | Three Colors: White | 1994 | France | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
590 | Three Colors: Red | 1994 | France | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
591 | 12 Angry Men | 1957 | États-Unis | Sidney Lumet |
592 | Design for Living | 1933 | États-Unis | Ernst Lubitsch |
593 | Belle de jour | 1967 | France | Luis Bunuel |
594 | Godzilla | 1954 | Japon | Ishiro Honda |
595 | The Moment of Truth | 1965 | Italie | Francesco Rosi |
596 | Three Outlaw Samurai | 1964 | Japon | Hideo Gosha |
597 | Tiny Furniture | 2010 | États-Unis | Lena Dunham |
598 | World on a Wire | 1973 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
599 | Vanya on 42nd Street | 1994 | États-Unis | Louis Malle |
600 | Anatomy of a Murder | 1959 | États-Unis | Otto Preminger |
601 | Letter Never Sent | 1959 | Russie | Mikhail Kalatozov |
602 | The War Room | 1993 | États-Unis | Chris Hegedus et D.A. Pennebaker |
603 | David Lean Directs Noël Coward | Royaume-Uni | David Lean | |
604 | In Which We Serve | 1942 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean et Noël Coward |
605 | This Happy Breed | 1944 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean |
606 | Blithe Spirit | 1945 | Royaume-Uni | David Lean |
607 | A Hollis Frampton Doyssey | États-Unis | Hollis Frampton | |
608 | Harold and Maude | 1971 | États-Unis | Hal Ashby |
609 | iAlambrista! | 1977 | Royaume-Uni | Robert M. Young |
610 | The Organizer | 1963 | Italie | Mario Monicelli |
611 | Being John Malkovich | 1999 | États-Unis | Spike Jonze |
612 | Certified Copy | 2010 | Royaume-Uni | Abbas Kiarostami |
613 | Summer Interlude | 1951 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
614 | Summer with Monika | 1953 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
615 | The Gold Rush | 1942 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
616 | Shallow Grave | 1994 | Royaume-Uni | Danny Boyle |
617 | And Everything Is Going Fine | 2010 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
618 | Gray’s Anatomy | 1997 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
619 | Le Havre | 2011 | France | Aki Kaurismäki |
620 | La promesse | 1996 | Belgique | Luc Dardenne et Jean-Pierre Dardenne |
621 | Rosetta | 19999 | Belgique | Luc Dardenne et Jean-Pierre Dardenne |
622 | Weekend | 2011 | Royaume-Uni | Andrew Haigh |
623 | Lonesome | 1928 | États-Unis | Paul Fejos |
624 | Quadrophenia | 1979 | Royaume-Uni | Franc Roddam |
625 | Eating Raoul | 1982 | États-Unis | Paul Bartel |
626 | Les visiteurs du soir | 1942 | France | Marcel Carné |
627 | The Game | 1997 | États-Unis | David Fincher |
628 | The Forgiveness of Blood | 2011 | États-Unis | Joshua Marston |
629 | Sunday Bloody Sunday | 1971 | Royaume-Uni | John Schlesinger |
630 | Rosemary’s Baby | 1968 | États-Unis | Roman Polanski |
631 | Trilogy of Life | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini | |
632 | The Decameron | 1971 | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini |
633 | The Canterbury Tales | 1972 | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini |
634 | Arabian Nights | 1974 | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini |
635 | Weekend | 1967 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
636 | Heaven’s Gate | 1980 | États-Unis | Michael Cimino |
637 | Purple Noon | 1960 | France | René Clément |
638 | Following | 1999 | États-Unis | Christopher Nolan |
639 | The Qatsi Trilogy | États-Unis | Godfrey Reggio | |
640 | Koyaanisqatsi | 1983 | États-Unis | Godfrey Reggio |
641 | Powaqqatsi | 1988 | États-Unis | Godfrey Reggio |
642 | Naqoyqatsi | 2002 | États-Unis | Godfrey Reggio |
643 | The Man Who Knew Too Much | 1934 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
644 | Pina | 2011 | États-Unis | Wim Wenders |
645 | The Ballad of Narayama | 1958 | Japon | Keisuke Kinoshita |
646 | The Kid with a Bike | 2011 | Belgique | Luc Dardenne et Jean-Pierre Dardenne |
647 | On the Waterfront | 1957 | États-Unis | Elia Kazan |
648 | Chronicle of a Summer | 1961 | France | Jean Rouch et Edgar Morin |
649 | Ministry of Fear | 1944 | États-Unis | Fritz Lang |
650 | A Man Escaped | 1956 | France | Robert Bresson |
651 | Badlands | 1973 | États-Unis | Terrence Malick |
652 | Monsieur Verdoux | 1947 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
653 | Gate of Hell | 1953 | Japon | Teinosuke Kinugasa |
654 | Repo Man | 1984 | États-Unis | Alex Cox |
655 | Pierre Etaix | |||
656 | Jubal | 1956 | États-Unis | Delmer Daves |
657 | 3:10 to Yuma | 1957 | États-Unis | Delmer Daves |
658 | Medium Cool | 1969 | États-Unis | Haskell Wexler |
659 | Life Is Sweet | 1990 | Royaume-Uni | Mike Leigh |
660 | Things to Come | 1936 | Royaume-Uni | William Cameron Menzies |
661 | Marketa Lazarova | 1967 | République Tchèque | Frantisek Vlacil |
662 | Safety Last! | 1923 | États-Unis | Fred Newmeyer et Sam Taylor |
663 | Shoah | 1985 | France | Claude Lanzmann |
664 | The Life of Oharu | 1952 | Japon | Kenji Mizoguchi |
665 | Babette’s Feast | 1987 | Danemark | Gabriel Axel |
666 | The Devil’s Backbone | 2001 | Mexique | Guillermo del Toro |
667 | Seconds | 1966 | États-Unis | John Frankenheimer |
668 | The Big City | 1963 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
669 | Charulata | 1964 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
670 | To Be or Not to Be | 1942 | États-Unis | Ernst Lubitsch |
671 | La Cage aux Folles | 1978 | France | Edouard Molinaro |
672 | 3 Films by Roberto Rossellini Starring Ingrid Bergman | Italie | Roberto Rossellini | |
673 | Stomboli | 1950 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
674 | Europe ’51 | 1952 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
675 | Journey to Italy | 1954 | Italie | Roberto Rossellini |
676 | I Married a Witch | 1942 | États-Unis | René Clair |
677 | The Uninvited | 1944 | États-Unis | Lewis Allen |
678 | La notte | 1961 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
679 | Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman | Japon | ||
680 | City Lights | 1931 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
681 | Frances Ha | 2013 | États-Unis | Noah Baumbach |
682 | Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion | 1970 | Italie | Elio Petri |
683 | Nashville | 1975 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
684 | Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Project | |||
685 | Touki bouki | 1973 | Djibril Diop Mambéty | |
686 | Redes | 1936 | Mexique | Emilio Gomez Muriel et Fred Zinnemann |
687 | A River Called Titas | 1973 | Ritwik Ghatak | |
688 | Dry Summer | 1964 | Metin Erksan | |
689 | Trances | 1981 | Ahmed El Maanouni | |
690 | The Housemaid | 1960 | Kim Ki-young | |
691 | Thief | 1981 | États-Unis | Michael Mann |
692 | It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World | 1963 | États-Unis | Stanley Kramer |
693 | La vie de bohème | 1992 | France | Aki Kaurismäki |
694 | The Long Day Closes | 1992 | Terence Davies | |
695 | Blue Is the Warmest Color | 2013 | France | Abdellatif Kechiche |
696 | Foreign Correspondent | 1940 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
697 | Tess | 1979 | Roman Polanski | |
698 | King of the hill | 1993 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
699 | A Brief History of Time | 1991 | Errol Morris | |
700 | Fantastic Mr. Fox | 2009 | Wes Anderson | |
701 | Persona | 1966 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
702 | The Great Beauty | 2013 | Italie | Paolo Sorrentino |
703 | The Freshman | 1925 | États-Unis | Fred Newmeyer et Sam Taylor |
704 | Riot in Cell Block 11 | 1954 | Don Siegel | |
705 | Breaking the Waves | 1996 | Danemark | Lars von Trier |
706 | Master of the House | 1925 | Danemark | Carl Th. Dreyer |
707 | Il sorpasso | 1962 | Italie | Dino Risi |
708 | Like Someone in Love | 2012 | Abbas Kiarostami | |
709 | Red River | 1948 | Howard Hawks | |
710 | Judex | 1963 | Georges Franju | |
711 | A Hard Day’s Night | 1964 | Royaume-Uni | Richard Lester |
712 | Scanners | 1981 | David Cronenberg | |
713 | The Essential Jacques Demy | France | Jacques Demy | |
714 | Lola | 1961 | France | Jacques Demy |
715 | Bay of Angels | 1963 | France | Jacques Demy |
716 | The Umbrellas of Cherbourg | 1964 | France | Jacques Demy |
717 | The Young Girls of Rochefort | 1967 | France | Jacques Demy |
718 | Donkey Skin | 1970 | France | Jacques Demy |
719 | Une chambre en ville | 1982 | France | Jacques Demy |
720 | The Big Chill | 1983 | Lawrence Kasdan | |
721 | Love Streams | 1984 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
722 | Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! | 1990 | Pedro Almodovar | |
723 | Y tu mama tambien | 2001 | Mexique | Alfonso Cuaron |
724 | All That Jazz | 1979 | États-Unis | Bob Fosse |
725 | Eraserhead | 1977 | États-Unis | David Lynch |
726 | Macbeth | 1971 | Roman Polanski | |
727 | The Innocents | 1961 | Jac Clayton | |
728 | Sundays and Cybèle | 1962 | France | Serge Bourguignon |
729 | The Complete Jacques Tati | France | Jacques Tati | |
730 | Jour de fête | 1949 | France | Jacques Tati |
731 | Parade | 1974 | France | Jacques Tati |
732 | My Darling Clementine | 1946 | États-Unis | John Ford |
733 | La dolce vita | 1960 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
734 | The Shooting | 1966 | Monte Hellman | |
735 | Ride in the Whirlwind | 1966 | Monte Hellman | |
736 | It Happened One Night | 1934 | Frank Capra | |
737 | Les Blank: Always for Pleasure | 1968 | Les Blank | |
738 | Tootsie | 1982 | États-Unis | Sydney Pollack |
739 | Safe | 1995 | Todd Haynes | |
740 | The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant | 1972 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
741 | My Winnipeg | 2007 | Guy Maddin | |
742 | The Palm Beach Story | 1942 | Preston Sturges | |
743 | La Ciénaga | 2001 | Lucrecia Martel | |
744 | Every Man for Himself | 1980 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
745 | Don’t Look Now | 1973 | Nicolas Roeg | |
746 | A Day in the Country | 1936 | France | Jean Renoir |
747 | Fellini Satyricon | 1969 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
748 | Watership Down | 1978 | Martin Rosen | |
749 | The Soft Skin | 1964 | France | François Truffaut |
750 | Ride the Pink Horse | 1947 | États-Unis | Robert Montgomery |
751 | Gates of Heaven | 1978 | États-Unis | Errol Morris |
752 | Vernon, Florida | 1981 | États-Unis | Errol Morris |
753 | The Thin Blue Line | 1988 | États-Unis | Errol Morris |
754 | Odd Man Out | 1947 | Royaume-Uni | Carol Reed |
755 | Le silence de la mer | 1949 | France | Jean-Pierre Melville |
756 | Limelight | 1952 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
757 | The Rose | 1979 | Mark Rydell | |
758 | The Merchant of Four Seasons | 1971 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
759 | The Confession | 1970 | Costa-Gavras | |
760 | State of Siege | 1972 | Costa-Gavras | |
761 | Valerie and Her Week of Wonders | 1970 | République Tchèque | Jaromil Jires |
762 | A Master Builder | 2014 | États-Unis | Jonathan Demme |
763 | The Bridge | 1959 | Allemagne | Bernhard Wicki |
764 | The Fisher King | 1991 | États-Unis | Terry Gilliam |
765 | The Black Stallion | 1979 | Carroll Ballard | |
766 | Here Is Your Life | 1966 | Jan Troell | |
767 | My Beautiful Laundrette | 1985 | Royaume-Uni | Stephen Frears |
768 | The French Lieutenant’s Woman | 1981 | Royaume-Uni | Karel Reisz |
769 | Day for Night | 1973 | France | François Truffaut |
770 | Dressed to Kill | 1980 | États-Unis | Brian De Palma |
771 | Two Days, One Night | 2014 | Belgique | Luc Dardenne et Jean-Pierre Dardenne |
772 | Blind Chance | 1981 | Pologne | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
773 | Breaker Morant | 1980 | Bruce Beresford | |
774 | Mister Johnson | 1990 | Bruce Beresford | |
775 | A Room with a View | 1986 | Royaume-Uni | James Ivory |
776 | Moonrise Kingdom | 2012 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
777 | The Brood | 1979 | David Cronenberg | |
778 | A Special Day | 1977 | Italie | Ettore Scola |
779 | Mulholland Dr. | 2001 | États-Unis | David Lynch |
780 | Code Unknown | 2000 | Michael Haneke | |
781 | In Cold Blood | 1967 | États-Unis | Richard Brooks |
782 | The Apu Trilogy | Inde | Satyajit Ray | |
783 | Pather Panchali | 1955 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
784 | Aparajito | 1956 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
785 | Apur Sansar | 1959 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
786 | Don’t Look Back | 1967 | États-Unis | D.A. Pennebaker |
787 | Jellyfish Eyes | 2013 | Japon | Takashi Murakami |
788 | Speedy | 1928 | Ted Wilde | |
789 | Burroughs: The Movie | 1983 | Howard Brookner | |
790 | Lady Snowblood | 1973 | Japon | Toshiya Fujita |
791 | Lady Snowblood: Love Song of Vengeance | 1974 | Japon | Toshiya Fujita |
792 | Bitter Rice | 1949 | Italie | Giuseppe De Santis |
793 | The American Friend | 1977 | Wim Wenders | |
794 | Inside Llewyn Davis | 2013 | États-Unis | Joel Coen et Ethan Coen |
795 | Gilda | 1946 | États-Unis | Charles Vidor |
796 | The Emigrants | 1971 | Suède | Jan Troell |
797 | The New Land | 1972 | Suède | Jan Troell |
798 | Death by Hanging | 1968 | Japon | Nagisa Oshima |
799 | The Kid | 1921 | États-Unis | Charlie Chaplin |
800 | The Graduate | 1967 | États-Unis | Mike Nichols |
801 | I Knew Her Well | 1965 | Italie | Antonio Pietrangeli |
802 | Paris Belongs to Us | 1961 | France | Jacques Rivette |
803 | The Manchurian Candidate | 1962 | États-Unis | John Frankenheimer |
804 | A Brighter Summer Day | 1991 | Edward Yang | |
805 | A Poem Is a Naked Person | 1974 | Les Blank | |
806 | Only Angels Have Wings | 1939 | Howard Hawks | |
807 | Barcelona | 1994 | Whit Stillman | |
808 | The Kennedy Films of Rebert Drew & Associates | Robert Drew | ||
809 | Phoenix | 2014 | Christian Petzold | |
810 | In a Lonely Place | 1950 | Nicholas Ray | |
811 | The Naked Island | 1960 | Japon | Kaneto Shindo |
812 | The Player | 1992 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
813 | Wim Wenders: The Road Trilogy | Wim Wenders | ||
814 | Alice in the Cities | 1974 | Wim Wenders | |
815 | Wrong Move | 1975 | Wim Wenders | |
816 | Kings of the Road | 1976 | Wim Wenders | |
817 | Le amiche | 1955 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
818 | La chienne | 1931 | France | Jean Renoir |
819 | Here Comes Mr. Jordan | 1941 | Alexander Hall | |
820 | Fantastic Planet | 1973 | France | René Laloux |
821 | Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb | 1964 | États-Unis | Stanley Kubrick |
822 | Clouds of Sils Maria | 2014 | France | Olivier Assayas |
823 | The In-Laws | 1979 | Arthur Hiller | |
824 | Muriel, or The Time of Return | 1963 | France | Alain Resnais |
825 | A Touch of Zen | 1971 | King Hu | |
826 | The New World | 2005 | États-Unis | Terrence Malick |
827 | McCabe & Mrs. Miller | 1971 | États-Unis | Robert Altman |
828 | Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words | 2015 | Suède | Stig Björkman |
829 | A Taste of Honey | 1961 | Royaume-Uni | Tony Richardson |
830 | Chimes at Midnight | 1966 | États-Unis | Orson Welles |
831 | The Immortal Story | 1968 | États-Unis | Orson Welles |
832 | The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum | 1939 | Japon | Kenji Mizoguchi |
833 | Cat People | 1942 | France | Jacques Tourneur |
834 | Blood Simple | 1984 | États-Unis | Joel Coen et Ethan Coen |
835 | Valley of the Dolls | 1967 | Mark Robson | |
836 | Beyond the Valley of the Dolls | 1970 | Russ Meyer | |
837 | Dekalog | 1988 | Pologne | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
838 | Pan’s Labyrinth | 2006 | Mexique | Guillermo del Toro |
839 | Boyhood | 2014 | États-Unis | Richard Linklater |
840 | The Executioner | 1963 | Luis Garcia Berlanga | |
841 | Lone Wolf and Cub | |||
842 | Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams | 1990 | Japon | Akira Kurosawa |
843 | Punch-Drunk Love | 2002 | États-Unis | Paul Thomas Anderson |
844 | One-Eyed Jacks | 1961 | États-Unis | Marlon Brando |
845 | The Squid and the Whale | 2005 | États-Unis | Noah Baumbach |
846 | Heart of a Dog | 2015 | Laurie Anderson | |
847 | The Asphalt Jungle | 1950 | États-Unis | John Huston |
848 | Roma | 1972 | Italie | Federico Fellini |
849 | His Girl Friday | 1940 | Howard Hawks | |
850 | Something Wild | 1961 | Jack Garfein | |
851 | Fox and His Friends | 1975 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
852 | Black Girl | 1966 | Ousmane Sembène | |
853 | Cameraperson | 2016 | Kirsten Johnson | |
854 | The Tree of Wooden Clogs | 1978 | Ermanno Olmi | |
855 | Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown | 1988 | Pedro Almodovar | |
856 | The Before Trilogy | États-Unis | Richard Linklater | |
857 | Before Sunrise | 1995 | États-Unis | Richard Linklater |
858 | Before Sunset | 2004 | États-Unis | Richard Linklater |
859 | Beforme Midnight | 2013 | États-Unis | Richard Linklater |
860 | Mildred Pierce | 1945 | Michael Curtiz | |
861 | 45 Years | 2015 | Royaume-Uni | Andrew Haigh |
862 | Canoa: A Shameful Memory | 1976 | Felipe Cazals | |
863 | Multiple Maniacs | 1970 | John Waters | |
864 | Being There | 1979 | Hal Ashby | |
865 | Blow-Up | 1966 | Italie | Michelangelo Antonioni |
866 | Buena Vista Social Club | 1999 | Wim Wenders | |
867 | Woman of the Year | 1942 | Georges Stevens | |
868 | Tampopo | 1985 | Japon | Juzo Itami |
869 | Rumble Fish | 1983 | États-Unis | Francis Ford Coppola |
870 | Othello | 1952 | États-Unis | Orson Welles |
871 | Dheepan | 2015 | France | Jacques Audiard |
872 | Ghost World | 2001 | Terry Zwigoff | |
873 | Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Project No. 2 | Various | ||
874 | Insiang | 1976 | Lino Brocka | |
875 | Mysterious Object at Noon | 2000 | Apichatpong Weerasethakul | |
876 | Revenge | 1989 | Ermek Shinarbaev | |
877 | Limite | 1931 | Mario Peixoto | |
878 | Law of the Border | 1966 | Lütfi Ö. Akad | |
879 | Taipei Story | 1985 | Edward Yang | |
880 | They Live by Night | 1948 | Nicholas Ray | |
881 | The Marseille Trilogy | Various | ||
882 | Marius | 1931 | France | Alexander Korda |
883 | Fanny | 1932 | France | Marc Allégret |
884 | César | 1936 | France | Marcel Pagnol |
885 | The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog | 1927 | États-Unis | Alfred Hitchcock |
886 | L’argent | 1983 | France | Robert Bresson |
887 | Lost in America | 1985 | États-Unis | Albert Brooks |
888 | Stalker | 1979 | Russie | Andrei Tarkovsky |
889 | The Breaking Point | 1950 | Michael Curtiz | |
890 | Meantime | 1984 | Royaume-Uni | Mike Leigh |
891 | La poison | 1951 | France | Sacha Guitry |
892 | Festival | 1967 | Murray Lerner | |
893 | Certain Women | 2016 | Kelly Reichardt | |
894 | The Piano Teacher | 2001 | Michael Haneke | |
895 | David Lynch: The Art Life | 2016 | États-Unis | Olivia Neergaard-Holm, John Nguyen et Rick Barnes |
896 | the Lure | 2015 | Agnieszka Smoczynska | |
897 | Barry Lyndon | 1975 | États-Unis | Stanley Kubrick |
898 | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me | 1992 | États-Unis | David Lynch |
899 | Personal Shopper | 2016 | France | Olivier Assayas |
900 | 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912-2012 | Various | ||
901 | The Philadelphia Story | 1940 | George Cukor | |
902 | Desert Hearts | 1985 | Donna Deitch | |
903 | Jabberwocky | 1977 | États-Unis | Terry Gilliam |
904 | Election | 1999 | États-Unis | Alexander Payne |
905 | The Breakfast Club | 1985 | États-Unis | John Hughes |
906 | I, Daniel Blake | 2016 | Royaume-Uni | Ken Loach |
907 | Westfront 1918 | 1930 | Allemagne | G.W. Pabst |
908 | Kameradschaft | 1930 | Allemagne | G.W. Pabst |
909 | Night of the Living Dead | 1968 | États-Unis | George A. Romero |
910 | Tom Jones | 1963 | Royaume-Uni | Tony Richardson |
911 | The Hero | 1966 | Inde | Satyajit Ray |
912 | An Actor’s Revenge | 1963 | Japon | Kon Ichikawa |
913 | The Age of Innocence | 1993 | États-Unis | Martin Scorsese |
914 | Baal | 1970 | Allemagne | Volker Schlöndorff |
915 | King of Jazz | 1930 | États-Unis | John Murray Anderson |
916 | Women in Love | 1969 | Ken Russell | |
917 | The Awful Truth | 1937 | Leo McCarey | |
918 | The Color of Pomegranates | 1969 | Russie | Sergei Parajanov |
919 | Dead Man | 1995 | États-Unis | Jim Jarmusch |
920 | The Virgin Suicides | 1999 | États-Unis | Sofia Coppola |
921 | Moonrise | 1948 | Frank Borzage | |
922 | The Other Side of Hope | 2017 | Japon | Aki Kaurismäki |
923 | Beyond the Hills | 2012 | Cristian Mungiu | |
924 | Graduation | 2016 | Cristian Mungiu | |
925 | Midnight Cowboy | 1969 | John Schlesinger | |
926 | Manila in the Claws of Light | 1975 | Lino Brocka | |
927 | El Sur | 1983 | Victor Erice | |
928 | Bowling for Columbine | 2002 | États-Unis | Michael Moore |
929 | Female Trouble | 1974 | John Waters | |
930 | Dietrich & von Sternberg in Hollywood | Josef von Sternberg | ||
931 | Morocco | 1930 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
932 | Dishonored | 1931 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
933 | Shanghai Express | 1932 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
934 | Blonde Venus | 1932 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
935 | The Devil Is a Woman | 1935 | États-Unis | Josef von Sternberg |
936 | Bull Durham | 1988 | Ron Shelton | |
937 | Dragon Inn | 1967 | King Hu | |
938 | Sex, Lies, and Videotape | 1989 | États-Unis | Steven Soderbergh |
939 | A Matter of Life and Death | 1946 | Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger | |
940 | The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez | 1982 | Robert M. Young | |
941 | Smithereens | 1982 | Susan Seidelman | |
942 | The Tree of Life | 2011 | États-Unis | Terrence Malick |
943 | Memories of Underdevelopment | 1968 | Tomas Gutierrez Alea | |
944 | Cold Water | 1994 | France | Olivier Assayas |
945 | A Raisin in the Sun | 1961 | Daniel Petrie | |
946 | Eight Hours Don’t Make a Day | 1972 | Allemagne | Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
947 | Shampoo | 1975 | Hal Ashby | |
948 | The Princess Bride | 1987 | États-Unis | Rob Reiner |
949 | A Story from Chikamatsu | 1954 | Japon | Kenji Mizoguchi |
950 | Some Like It Hot | 1959 | États-Unis | Billy Wilder |
951 | True Stories | 1986 | David Byrne | |
952 | The Magnificent Ambersons | 1942 | États-Unis | Orson Welles |
953 | A Dry White Season | 1989 | Euzhan Palcy | |
954 | Forty Guns | 1957 | Samuel Fuller | |
955 | Panique | 1946 | France | Julien Duvivier |
956 | 24 Frames | 2017 | Abbas Kiarostami | |
957 | Mikey and Nicky | 1976 | Elaine May | |
958 | 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days | 2007 | France | Cristian Mungiu |
959 | In the Heat of the Night | 1967 | États-Unis | Norman Jewison |
960 | La vérité | 1960 | France | Henri-Georges Clouzot |
961 | Shame | 1968 | Suède | Ingmar Bergman |
962 | Death in Venice | 1972 | Italie | Luchino Visconti |
963 | To Sleep with Anger | 1990 | États-Unis | Charles Burnett |
964 | The Kid Brother | 1927 | Ted Wilde | |
965 | Wanda | 1970 | Barbara Loden | |
966 | Detour | 1945 | Edgar G. Ulmer | |
967 | I Wanna Hold Your Hand | 1978 | États-Unis | Robert Zemeckis |
968 | Japon | 2002 | Carlos Reygadas | |
969 | Diamonds of the Night | 1964 | Jan Nemec | |
970 | A Face in the Crowd | 1957 | Elia Kazan | |
971 | Police Story | 1985 | Chine | Jackie Chan |
972 | Police Story 2 | 1988 | Chine | Jackie Chan |
973 | My Brilliant Career | 1979 | Gillian Armstrong | |
974 | The Heiress | 1949 | William Wyler | |
975 | Funny Games | 1997 | Michael Haneke | |
976 | Let the Sunshine In | 2017 | Claire Denis | |
977 | Blue Velvet | 1986 | États-Unis | David Lynch |
978 | One Sings, the Oter Doesn’t | 1977 | France | Agnès Varda |
979 | Swing Time | 1936 | États-Unis | George Stevens |
980 | La vie de Jésus | 1997 | France | Bruno Dumont |
981 | L’humanité | 1999 | France | Bruno Dumont |
982 | Hedwig and the Angry Inch | 2001 | États-Unis | John Cameron Mitchell |
983 | War and Peace | 1966 | Russie | Sergei Bondarchuk |
984 | 1984 | 1984 | Royaume-Uni | Michael Radford |
985 | Europa Europa | 1990 | Allemagne | Agnieszka Holland |
986 | The Baker’s Wife | 1938 | France | Marcel Pagnol |
987 | Klute | 1971 | États-Unis | Alan J. Pakula |
988 | The Inland Sea | 1991 | États-Unis | Lucille Carra |
989 | The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice | 1952 | Japon | Yasujiro Ozu |
990 | Where Is the Friend’s House? | 1987 | Iran | Abbas Kiarostami |
991 | And Life Goes On | 1992 | Iran | Abbas Kiarostami |
992 | Through the Olive Trees | 1994 | Iran | Abbas Kiarostami |
993 | The Cloud-Capped Star | 1960 | Inde | Ritwik Ghatak |
994 | Local Hero | 1983 | Royaume-Uni | Bill Forsyth |
995 | Polyester | 1981 | États-Unis | John Waters |
996 | The Circus | 1928 | États-Unis | Charles Chaplin |
997 | Cluny Brown | 1946 | États-Unis | Ernst Lubitsch |
998 | When We Were Kings | 1996 | États-Unis | Leon Gast |
999 | Matewan | 1987 | États-Unis | John Sayles |
1000 | Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films, 1954-1975 | Japon | ||
1001 | The Daytrippers | 1996 | États-Unis | Greg Mottola |
1002 | Betty Blue | 1986 | France | Jean-Jacques Beineix |
1003 | All About Eve | 1950 | États-Unis | Joseph L. Mankiewicz |
1004 | Now, Voyager | 1942 | États-Unis | Irving Rapper |
1005 | Cold War | 2018 | Pologne | Pawel Pawlikowski |
1006 | The Story of Temple Drake | 1933 | États-Unis | Stephen Roberts |
1007 | Until the End of the World | 1991 | Allemagne | Wim Wenders |
1008 | Old Joy | 2006 | États-Unis | Kelly Reichardt |
1009 | Holiday | 1938 | États-Unis | George Cukor |
1010 | Le petit soldat | 1963 | France | Jean-Luc Godard |
1011 | Fail Safe | 1964 | États-Unis | Sidney Lumet |
1012 | All About My Mother | 1999 | Espagne | Pedro Almodovar |
1013 | Teorema | 1968 | Italie | Pier Paolo Pasolini |
1014 | Roma | 2018 | États-Unis | Alfonso Cuaron |
1015 | Journey to the Beginning of Time | 1955 | République Tchèque | Karel Zeman |
1016 | Invention for Destruction | 1958 | République Tchèque | Karel Zeman |
1017 | The Fabulous Baron Munchausen | 1962 | République Tchèque | Karel Zeman |
1018 | Paris Is Burning | 1990 | États-Unis | Jennie Livingston |
1019 | Bamboozled | 2000 | États-Unis | Spike Lee |
1020 | Leave Her to Heaven | 1945 | États-Unis | John M. Stahl |
1021 | Show Boat | 1936 | États-Unis | James Whale |
1022 | The Prince of Tides | 1991 | États-Unis | Barbra Steisand |
1023 | The Cremator | 1969 | République Tchèque | Juraj Herz |
1024 | Destry Rides Again | 1939 | États-Unis | George Marshall |
1025 | The Grand Budapest Hotel | 2014 | États-Unis | Wes Anderson |
1026 | Me and You and Everyone We Know | 2005 | États-Unis | Miranda July |
1027 | The Great Escape | 1963 | États-Unis | John Sturges |
1028 | Dance, Girl, Dance | 1940 | États-Unis | Dorothy Arzner |
1029 | Husbands | 1970 | États-Unis | John Cassavetes |
1030 | Scorsese Shorts | États-Unis | Martin Scorsese | |
1031 | Wildlife | 2018 | États-Unis | Paul Dano |
1032 | An Unmarried Woman | 1978 | États-Unis | Paul Mazursky |
1033 | The Cameraman | 1928 | États-Unis | Edward Sedgwick |
1034 | Portrait of a Lady on Fire | 2019 | France | Céline Sciamma |
1035 | Come and See | 1985 | Russie | Elem Klimov |